Common command using in Active Directory


Require Change user password at next logon by selective Group:

Run the following commands in Windows PowerShell:

Get-ADGroupMember “cn=Technical Dept,ou=KLgroup,ou=KL,dc=enfrasys,dc=com” | Set-ADUser -PasswordNeverExpires $false


Get-ADGroupMember “cn=Technical Dept,ou=KLgroup,ou=KL,dc=enfrasys,dc=com” | Set-ADUser -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true


Require change user password at next logon by selective User:

Run the following commands in Windows PowerShell:

Set-ADUser -Identity Trevor -PasswordNeverExpires $false


Set-ADUser -Identity Trevor -ChangePasswordAtNextLogon $true



List Active Directory Group member users:

Run the following command in Windows PowerShell:

Get-ADGroupMember “cn=Technical Dept,ou=KLgroup,ou=KL,dc=enfrasys,dc=com”


List Domain Controller(s) in a Domain:

Run the following command in Windows PowerShell:

Netdom query / dc



Note to verify for above command:

cn=Technical Dept, – this is name of the Group of users in my domain

ou=KLgroup,ou=KL,dc=enfrasys,dc=com – this is the OU path in domain.

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